Mina tio favoriter 2008
Precis som förra året tänkte jag nu visa mina egna favorit-layouter som jag har gjort 2008.
My ten favourites 2008
Just like last year I would like to show you my own favourite-layouts that I made 2008
Min första layout gjord som inpiratör hos Swe Scrapbook blev en till utmaningen Sjärnor.
Jag gjorde en layout om min nedräkning av dagarna tills min älskade dotter skulle komma hem från Nordirland över julen.
Idag åkte hon tillbaka igen, och jag saknar henne redan...
Det var så härligt att få ha henne hemma hos oss ett tag.
My first layout done as an inspirator at Swe Scrapbook was one for the challenger Stars.
I did a layout about my countdown until my dear daughter should come home from Nothern Ireland over christmas.
Today she went back again, and I miss her already...
It was so great to have her at home with us for a while.
En dubbel...
Men den här månaden skulle jag göra en med Jan Kitet hos My Scrapbook Nook
Och kan ni tänka er... Jag gjorde en som jag själv blev riktigt nöjd med! :)
A double...
I´m not that found of making double-pagers.
But this month I had to do one with the Jan Kit at My Scrapbook Nook
And believe it or not... But I did one that I myself really liked! :)
Kolla Kolla!
Just nu har jag två layouter på Top10 by votes på Two Peas!!!!!
Look Look!
Right now I have two layouts on Top10 by votes at Two Peas!!!!
My Scrapbook Nook
Helt underbart vackert!
Jag älskar verkligen Webster´s Pages.
Så jag kunde inte hålla mig längre utan var tvungen att scrappa en stund idag. :)
The January-kit is just soooooo great!
So wonderfully beautiful.
I really love Webster´s Pages.
So I couldn´t resist... Just had to scrap alittle today. :)
God Jul! / Merry Christmas!
Jag ska strax väcka resten av familjen så att vi kan äta frukost tillsammans...
Julens första skink-smörgås!
Senare idag kommer mina föräldrar, min bror, min syster och hennes familj hit för att fira jul med oss.
Jag vill önska Er alla en riktigt God Jul!
Today it´s Christmas Eve...
I will soon wake up the rest of the family so that we can have breakfast together...
The first ham-sandwich this Christmas.
Later on today my parents, my brother, my sister and her family is coming here to celebrate christmas together with us.
I wanna wish you all a Merry Christmas!
Här är två julkort gjorda av Dec. kitet hos My Scrapbook Nook.
Here is two christmascards done with the Dec kit at My Scrapbook Nook
Kolla! Kolla!
Januari kitet från My Scrapbook Nook...
Gissa vad jag ska göra i mellandagarna??? :)
Look! Look!
This was in my mailbox today!
The january kit from My Scrapbook Nook...
Guess what I will be doing after Christmas??? :)
Visst vill väl du också ha det här?
Skynda dig och köp det!!!
Sure you too want this one?
So hurry and buy it!!!!
Jag bara njuter och känner att jag verkligen behövde det här.
Idag har jag suttit och scrappat.
Oh, it´s so good to be off work for a few days!
I love it and I feel that I really needed it.
Today I´ve been scrapping.
Här är en layout av min svåger och lilla systerdottern!
Far och dotter... Så fina!
Here is a layout with my BIL and little niece!
Father and daughter... So beautiful!
(iallafall över julen)
Igår åkte vi till Skavsta flygplats för att möta upp henne.
Oj, vad jag hade längtat efter att få ge henne den där kramen. :)
.... is Mye home!
(over the christmas anyway)
Yesterday we went to Skavsta airport to meet her.
Oh, how I had longed to give her that hug. :)
Idag kan jag visa upp en layout som är gjord efter skiss #30 hos Creative Scrappers.
Today I can show you a layout that is made after sketch #30 at Creative Scrappers.
My Scrapbook Nook DT-call!
Don´t miss it!
The Scrapbook Nook Kit Club is currently seeking some new designers to be a part of our creative team and share in the fun of our monthly kit club! We are looking for talented, motivated, enthusiastic, responsible designers to design layouts and projects each month from our kit. Our 6 month term will start in January with the February kit!
A designer's job:
1. Design at least 3 projects from each month's kit.
2. Add at least 1 non kit something to the gallery per month..
3. Be an active member of the message board.
4. Help Moderate the boards.
5. Create online classes based around the kit- about every other month.
6. Promote the club.
What you will receive:
A fresh kit each month packed with brand new release goodies valued at appx $32
Additional product donated by manufacturers
25 % discount on add ons
Bio up on the website
fame, honor & glory!
There will also be occasional contests and opportunities for you to earn extras.
To apply:
Please send an e-mail to [email protected] by January 2nd including:
1. Link to an online gallery where we can see your current work.
2. Answer the following questions (If a link to a scrapbook resume answers most of these, provide the link, and answer the extras ):
A: List your prior experience
B: Design Teams you are currently affiliated with
C: Describe your style
D: Have you been published; if so, where?
E: Online Message boards you are active on
F: What makes you a unique asset to our kit club?
3. Tell us about you. How long have you been scrapping? What's your motivation? What do you do for work? What's your favorite product line? What scrapping trend do you not like? What other things make you tick? Why do I want YOU on the DT?
4. Name, address, phone number, e-mail, personal website if applicable
New DTers will be announced by Jan 5th. For more information e-mail dt@myscrapbooknook or visit our website at http://www.myscrapbooknook.com/
Jul med Skaparlusten
Jag hoppas att ni alla har det bra så här innan jul...
Och att ni inte stressar allt för mycket.
Ta er tid att scrappa! :)
Det har jag gjort iallafall.
Det har blivit en till layout och även två julkort med det fina kitet från Skaparlusten.
Christmas with Skaparlusten
I hope that you all good now so close to christmas...
And that you don´t stress out that much.
Take your time to scap! :)
I´ve done that.
I made one more layout and also two christmascards with the lovely kit from Skaparlusten.
Jag är en av de lyckliga som får vara en del av det härliga inspirations-teamet på SweScrapbook.
Jag är så lycklig och ser verkligen framemot att få jobba med alla duktiga tjejer där!
I was chosen!
I´m one of the happy to be a part of the great inspiration-team at SweScrapbook.
I´m so happy and I really looking forward to work with all the talented girls there.
Här är två av layouterna jag ansökte med...
Here is two of the layouts I applied with...
Ett kit som passar lika bra i dec eftersom det är fyllt med härliga julpapper och dekorationer.
Räcker till massor med layouter och julkort.
Än så länge har jag bara hunnit med att göra en layout...
Men det kommer mera!
My DT-kit now in december was really Nov Kit nr1.
A kit that just aswell could have been a dec kit as it´s filled with lots of great christmaspapers and decorations.
Enough to make lots of layouts and christmascards.
So far I´ve just managed to do one layout ...
But there will be more!
Kika in på hennes blogg så får ni se fler bilder av det underbara albumet.
But not from me this time... It´s from Leah that is making a wonderful minialbum with papers from Cosmo Cricket "Oh Joy".
Check out her blog to see more photos of this wonderful album!
Ett julkort och en layout
Men ett julkort med mitt kit från My Scrapbook Nook har jag gjort.
Vi i DT gör ett kort varje dag fram till jul.
Så kika in och få inspiration till dina julkort! :)
Och köper du Dec kitet så får du massor med fint att göra dina julkort av.
One christmascard and one layout
I haven´t had time to scrap that much now for awhile.
But a christmascard with the kit from My Scrapbook Nook have I done.
We in the DT is making one card every day now until christmas.
So check it out and get inspiration for your christmascards! :)
And if you buy the Dec kit you will get alot of wonderful things to create your christmascards with.
Jag har även gjort en layout efter den här veckans skiss hos Creative Scrappers.
Det var en jättekul skiss att jobba med! Så häng med och skapa du också! :)
I have also done a layout after this weeks sketch at Creative Scrappers.
It was a really great sketch to work with. So come along and create you too! :)