Challenge # 3 - Pigeon-holed
Nu har utmaning # 3 startat hos All About Me.
Lite djupare gräver vi den här veckan...
Kika in på bloggen och se vad hela DT har gjort.
Now has challenge # 3 started at All About Me.
We go a bit deeper this week...
Check out the blog to see what the DT did.
Min layout blev så här... "This is me - just me"
Den handlar om att jag oftast är glad, men ibland vill jag bara vara för mig själv. Där det är tyst.
My layout turned out like this... "This is me - just me"
It´s about me being happy most of the time, but sometimes I just want to be by myself. Where it´s quiet.
I oktober har vi även en härlig skiss.
Jag använde den till min layout.
In october we also have a wonderful sketch.
I used it on my layout.
Mette, this is another beautiful, beautiful layout and you really worked the challenge. I very, very nearly used that birdcage paper on my own layout, so I was happy to see it on yours x
Som vanligt alldeles underbar!
Mette, this is beautiful! I love how much depth you create! Love it!
Mette, beautiful again! I love the colors and the flowers on this layout. And a great pic of you.
Jag älskar både skissen och din layout!!!!
Trevlig helg!
Mums, en layout helt i min smak!!!