GDT - Scrap Attack Scrapbooking

Jag är så lycklig över att få vara Gästdesigner hos Scrap Attack Scrapbooking i tre månader.
Vilken ära!
Nu i juni fick jag mitt första kit och det var helt underbart!
Massor med fina papper och dekorationer.

I´m so happy to be a Guestdesigner at Scrap Attack Scrapbooking for three months.
What an honour!
Now in june I got my first kit and it was just wonderful!
Lots of amazing papers and decorations.

Här är mina layouter...
Here are my layouts...

Postat av: Hannie

Gosh Mette!! You did it again, they are all so pretty. Love those quotes too.

2010-06-10 @ 08:13:54
Postat av: Eivor/Ejja

Wow!! Det är ju helt fantastiska alser du skapat! Du är så duktig, får din stil men sidorna är ändå olika! Jag hämtar inspiration från dig och kanske tar ngn detalje med migler.

Kram och Trevlig helg!


2010-06-11 @ 09:44:42
Postat av: Julie Leonhardt

I came to your blog through the ScrapbookDeals4U website. Your layouts are phenomenal. I absolutely love all of the distressing of the edges and the stamped backgrounds and layers....I could go on and but, I just wanted you to know that looking through your blog is very inspiring!!! I wish I could go home and scrapbook right now. My favorite here is the "Heartbreaker" page with the young man. I have two sons and I could just picture something similar with my photos of them. Thanks for sharing!!

2010-08-25 @ 23:54:38
URL: http://www.scrappinjulie/

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